The LimbicTV Studio is equipped with a hybrid of analogue & digital audio recording technology. The front end ie where the microphones get plugged in is 28 channels of analog mic pres and processors from Neve, Summit Audio, A-Designs, Thermionic Culture, Looptrotter, Sonic Farm and more. Mostly these are valve and transformer based devices to capture good quality audio recordings before the audio gets digitised. These devices feed a 128 channel Digital Audio Network. Inside this network are as many Plugins as one would want to use. Many can be used in Realtime for recording if needed. Any computer can be patched into it with a standard 1Gb Ethernet cable and an SG ASIO driver. Reaper is the DAW of choice at LimbicTV studios and recently Ableton Live 12 has been added. The Main LR Output, the Drum bus and other busses have analog processing chains inserted for mixing.

The Live Space - There is one main Live Room with about 5 m x 5m of useable floor area. 2 booths facing onto the Live space, an upright piano with a brass harp, a 6 piece Yamaha Absolute Custom drum kit including snare and hardware plus 2 amp rooms.